A String is a collection of individual characters. A character can be an alphabet, a digit or even a space. We can extract a single or multiple character(s) from a String. The following methods are used to extract characters from a string.
1. charAt();
2. getChars();
The charAt() method is used to extract a single character from a String.
String s=“ Sample ”;
char c=s.charAt(1);
The charAt() method will extract a single character of the String based on the index.In this example the index is 1.So it will extract the 2nd character 'a'.Because index starts from 0.
class extract
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Sample";
char c=s.charAt(1);
System.out.println("The character extracted is "+c);
The character extracted is a
The getChars() method extracts multiple characters from the String.
getChars(int StartPos, int EndPos, TargetArrayString, int StartArrayIndex);
Let us suppose that we have a string “Datamining”. You have to extract four characters “mini” from the string.For that starting position is 4 and ending position is 8.Here we are extracting multiple characters. Thus a character’s array is needed (An Array of characters can store as many characters as you wish!)
class extract
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Datamining";
char ch[]=new char[5];